Chess Pieces
Performed by NEXUS with special guest Jason Treuting
Performed by the University of South Alabama Percussion Ensemble, directed by Dr. Luis Rivera
Published by Henmar Press
Mallet Quintet
Instrumentation: Bells, 2 Vibraphones, Crotales, 2 Marimbas (1 5.0 Octave)
Program Notes:
The original Chess Pieces is a unique work on many levels. In addition to being a piece of music, it also was a piece of visual art. Strictly looked at as a musical work, it is somewhat of a skeleton piece. There is no tempo indication, no dynamics, no indications of phrasing, and no actual indication of what the instrumentation is. My goal in arranging this for percussion ensemble was to stay completely true to the materials that Cage had provided, and merely expand upon what he had provided. None of the original material was changed in any way.
I was exposed to this work by Robin Engelman during a visit by him to the University of Kentucky Percussion Studio in the Spring of 2008. His generosity and encouragement were the catalyst for this project coming to fruition. This arrangement was written for NEXUS (Bob Becker, Bill Cahn, Robin Engelman, Russell Hartenberger, and Garry Kvistad), and was premiered by them on April 3rd, 2009 at the Orangeville Opera House in Orangeville, Ontario.