
Performed by the University of North Texas Percussion Ensemble directed by Mark Ford

Instrumentation: 7 Players: Bells, Crotales, 2 Vibraphones, Double Seconds Steel Pan, 1 Marimba (5.0 octave shared by two players), Triangles, Wind Gong, Doumbek (on stand)

Program Notes:

The musical influences of Convex can be traced to three specific things: The music of New Zealand composer John Psathas which I have been immersed in for the past two years as a member of the percussion group JP3, the orchestrations of Psathas’ music by Omar Carmenates for that same group, and Mark Ford’s request at the beginning of the commissioning process for a piece that incorporated the steel drum into the contemporary percussion ensemble.

The result of this project is one of those convenient moments where so many separate things come together, in this case through the connection of the University of North Texas where I was once a student. UNT is the place where I first heard (and later performed) John Psathas’ music, where I met Omar, and where I tried to learn (and failed miserably) how to play pan (Double Seconds).

Many thanks to Mark Ford for his support of both this project as well as my career through the years. Thanks must also be given to Omar Carmenates for his invaluable help critiquing every piece of mine, John Psathas for creating such incredible works of art, and the members of JP3 for their inspirational musicianship and friendship.

To order this work, please email the composer at